Version: 2.x

Get job scans for account

Try it

See Job scan properties for a detailed description of the json elements below.

Request parameters

You can specify the following query parameters to filter the account's job scans.

NameDescriptionDefault value
accountIdA valid accountId must be provided./
externalRefTo specify the job scan's reference at the account side (if there is one).empty
shouldHaveExpectationsSet to true if you only want the job scans that already have expectations calculated.false
includeExpectationsSet to true if you want the results to contain the job scan's expectations.false
teamRoleIdsA comma-separated list of team role ids to filter on team roles.1empty
workValueIdsA comma-separated list of work value ids to filter on work values.1empty
offsetSets the starting point of the query, e.g. if there are 10 job scans, then offset = 5 will get you job scans 6 to 10.0
countThe maximum number of job scans to return.100
sortTo sort the result on one or more field(s). Use the hyphen sign for sorting in descending order, e.g. -contactlastname, -createdon will first sort on last name in descending order and then on the date of creation, also in descending order.createdon
searchTo filter on contact name, contact email, title and employer. Partial matches are allowed.empty
domainIdsA comma-separated list of domain ids2 to retrieve the job scans with these domains.empty

1 See Filter on expectations for a detailed explanation.

2 Use the call Get domains to obtain these ids.


Returns a list of job scans that match the above filtering parameters.

"clientId": "guid",
"createdOn": "datetime",
"expectations": [
"expectationId": "guid",
"score": number,
"outDated": boolean,
"rank": number,
"reportRank": number
"id": "guid",
"title": "string",
"contactFirstName": "string",
"contactLastName": "string",
"contactEmail": "string",
"contactCcEmail": [
"contactPhone": "string",
"employer": "string",
"externalRef": "string",
"domainIds": [
"schoolIds": [
"clusterIds": [

Permission scopes

  • read:jobscans