Version: 2.x

Filter on expectations

It is possible to filter on expectations through the parameters teamRoleIds and workValueIds in the following calls:

After a talent or job scan assessment, expectations are calculated by the kazi engine. The expectations are also ranked based on their score.

Work value expectations and team role expectations are ranked separately. If expectations have the same score, they get the same rank number. The next expectation will then get a rank number increased by n-1 with n the number of equal scores.

Example: The first 2 expectations have the same score and have 1 as rank number. The next expectation gets 2 + (2-1) = 3 as rank number.

For work values you can select up to 3 expectations and for team roles you can select up to 4 expectations. The ranking options depend on the number of expectations as follows:

in Top 2in Top 3in Top 4
1 itemX
2 itemsX
3 itemsX
4 itemsX

Based on the above table, this means that:

  • If you provide one team role or work value, the response will give you all talent/job scans for which the specified expectation is ranked in their TOP 2.
  • If you provide two team roles or work values, the response will give you all talent/job scans for which the specified expectations are both ranked in their TOP 2.
  • If you provide three team roles or work values, the response will give you all talent/job scans for which the specified expectations are all ranked in their TOP 3.
  • If you provide four team roles, the response will give you all talent/job scans for which the specified expectations are all ranked in their TOP 4.

Remember that work value expectations and team role expectations are ranked separately, so if you provide both team role ids and work values ids, both filter conditions will have to be satisfied.

Filter parameters

  • teamRoleIds : the team role expectation ids in a comma-separated string
  • workValueIds : the work value expectation ids in a comma-separated string

Examples of valid queries

  • Team role planner, work value ambitious:
    The following request will give you all job/talent scans with planner and ambitious in their TOP 2.
  • Work value accurate:
    The following request will give you all job/talent scans with accurate in their TOP 2.
  • Team roles visionary/strategist, team player and results-oriented
    The following request will give you all job/talent scans with visionary/strategist, team player and results-oriented in their TOP 3.
  • Team role helicopter, work values harmonious, innovative and people person
    The following request will give you all job/talent scans with team role helicopter in their TOP 2 and work values harmonious, innovative and people person in their TOP 3.